Winther Medico A/S har ferielukket for al ekspedition 6. juli til den 30. juli - begge dage inklusive


General expertise:

Over the years Winther Medico A/S has invested in highly flexible productions lines, which makes it possible to make rapid changes between formats and reduce cleaning & down-time on the lines.

This means that Winther Medico A/S can produce quite small batch sizes very efficiently, as the production lines are so flexible that down- & cleaning time is reduced significantly.

Product formats:

Winther Medico A/S currently produces tablets and liquid products in-house and has a close cooperation agreement with an external partner to produce hard-shell gelatine capsules.

The specific profile for the tablet production is:

  • Round, oblong and oval shaped tablets in a multitude of sizes.
  • Coating and lacquering possibilities available in-house.


  • Tablet sugar coating available in-house, using kettle coating technique.
  • Blister packaging in-house on new high-efficiency blister machine.
  • “CERBO” pvc containers in various sizes, filling from 30 to 300 tablets per unit.

For the liquid department capabilities, the specifics are:

  • Own extraction equipment to make natural plant extracts in water or alcohol.

  • Blending kettles using either cold or hot liquid mixing environment.

  • Efficient and fast liquid filling lines.

  • Automatic filling into glass and plastic bottles from 20 ml to 1.000 ml or more.

  • Filling into natural spray bottles with min. 50 ml also available.